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Today most of the business are facing competitive environment. Hence organisation should recruit most suitable people for their organisation to face this competitive environment. Therefore, proper excellent recruiting process to be practiced to achieve their objectives. Recruitment is a process of selecting suitable people to the organisation. If the organisation does not have good recruiting practice, they are not able to select the most suitable people. Recruiting suitable employees to the organisation is a process which should be efficient and effective to the organisation to fulfil its objectives.



Bogatova,( 2017) defines recruitment as the action that creates a pool of interviewees, who have the aspiration to be employed by the organization. Most suitable candidate will be selected using this pool after the proper interview. Future of the organisation depends on this recruitment and selection process.

The process which involve to attract suitable applicants for the vacancies available in the organisation is name as recruitment process.  This process consists of many stages such as studying the details of the job, attract the suitable candidates, screening and sect the most suitable candidate for the vacancy(Anand et al., n.d.).


Recruitment is a process that has a complex in nature. According to(Bogatova, 2017) this process consists of five stages as shown in the diagram.

Five stages of recruitment process(Bogatova, 2017)

First of all, Organisation should identify the main objectives of the recruitment. Then attention given for the strategy development. Answer to following questions such as Who, Where, When, what derive the strategy development.

·    Who should be recruited?

·    Where to recruit?

·    When to recruit?

·    What recruitment sources should be used?

·    What message should be communicated?

·    Who should carry out the recruitment process?

·    In addition to above, Budget Allocation to be severely considered.

After the strategy development, other three stages to be completed in a successful manner.

 Organisation should consider the way to recruit most suitable employees. Two major source of finding suitable candidate are internal employees and new candidates from the outside of the organisation. Some organisation target only internal employees to fill the vacancies to save the time as well as to save additional cost. This method has good effect as well as bad effect to the company. Recruiting from outside of the organisation may give better result to the company but this may also could create some problem. Hence organisation must properly evaluate the most suitable person to the available vacancy which could contribute immensely to the organisation without considering whether the person is internal or external.



Organisations may have lot of physical resources and technology. However, if the organisation fails to employee the best employees who equipped with technical skill and soft skills, these available resources will not produce the best quality products and output to the expectation of the organisation. Selecting the best employees reduce the cost of employee turnover. Organisation must keep in mind that the success and the failure are caused by the employees. Hence the careful recruitment is vital to organisational success(Anand et al., n.d.)


The main recruitment types available are internal recruitment, external recruitment and walk-ins (e.g. direct applications)

Recruitment Sources. Adopted from
(Bogatova, 2017)


·        Internal recruitment

This is the easiest way of recruitment without additional cost to the organisation because they use readily available resources to fill the vacancy. Mainly three ways can be adopted when recruiting internally such as transfers, promotions and re-employ employees. This system encourages the employees who expect their carrier growth. As mention by Herzberg two factor theory, this internal promotion provide motivation to the employees. Recruitment of ex- employees may provide better result because they are more loyal to the organisation.

There are advantages of internal recruitment such as employee motivation, employees ‘growth, maximum utilisation of existing resource, skill of the employee could be used for better output, more reliability than new comers, it faster and involve no cost for recruitment, no need for orientation and training.

 Considering above benefits someone may think internal recruitment is the best for an organisation but there is some drawback attached to it. These drawbacks are limited choice due to small number of employees in small companies, generation of fresh ideas prohibited in internal recruitment, selection of a most suited candidate may not have happened due to biasness of the management.

·        External Recruitment

 External recruitment is a costly event to the organisation. Attracting suitable qualified candidate is not easy as we think. There are many ways to handle this situation. Depending on the type of vacancies available, organisation could use following strategies to overcome the situation. Today most popular system is advertisement on the internet. There are special website foe high ranking jobs such as LinkedIn. Contacting following institution such as employment agencies, educational institutions, labour suppliers as well as making advertisement, on printed media, audio video media, electronics median can help to attract suitable candidates. Present employees could recommend their friends and other known people to apply for the vacancies. Recruiting at the gate is more popular for the minor grade jobs.


·        Walk-ins

 There are some people who are unemployed or not satisfied with present job, forward their job applications to organisation. HR department safely keep these application and call them for interview when there is suitable vacancy for them



For the available vacancy, selecting a most suitable and qualified candidate from a group of applicants is very difficult task. The objective is to select the best for the job who can perform well.  This is an expensive process. Therefore, it is essential to get the conformation from the selected candidate whether he is interested the offered job.



Selection process is not complex for lower grade job but it is complex for supervisory or other higher grade jobs. So it is essential to follow the procedures during the selection.

Selection process consist of eight stages

·         initial screening interview,

·         completion of the application form,

·         employment tests,

·         comprehensive interview,

·         conditional job offers,

·         background investigation,

·         medical examination, and

·         permanent job offer

The Selection Process. Adopted from(Bogatova, 2017)


Every organisation need to employ the most qualified talented people for their organisation. Hence most effective recruitment and selection process is very important. First of all, organisation must satisfy the procedures of recruitment and selection. Both internal and external candidates should be given equal opportunity in order to get the desired employees. By adopting latest interview techniques create good opportunity to organisation to recruit the best qualified people to the organisation.



Anand, D. V. V., Shanthanlakshmi, D. M., Srinivasan, D. G. U., Arunkumar, V., Icewarya, G., Nandhu, S., & Kamatchi, S. M. (n.d.). A STUDY ON EFFECTIVENESS OF RECRUITMENT ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT IN ITeS.


Karthiga, G., Karthi, D. R., & Balaishwarya, P. (2015). Recruitment and Selection Process. 5(4).

Nainggolan, B. E., Sinulingga, S., & Absah, Y. (2020). Analysis of Recruitment Strategies in Efforts to Improve Employee Performance of PT. Toba Pulp Lestari Porsea. 6.

Shanfari, R. J. A., & Banu, R. (2019). Recruitment and Selection in Practice: A Qualitative Study. International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM).



Ashkar Khan said…
"The recruitment process should be fair, transparent, and free from bias, to ensure equal opportunities for all candidates and promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace" (Ployhart, Ryan, & Bennett, 2017)

The proper recruitment process will assist to expand existing workers while also recruiting new work force, this is a terrific article to grasp the entire recruitment process, excellent job.
Udesh Guruge said…
I agree that having an effective recruitment and selection process is crucial for any organization to attract and retain top talent. To guarantee that all candidates are given an equal chance to present their talents and abilities, it is crucial for organisations to have fair and open procedures. Organisations may also find the best applicants and make wise hiring decisions by utilising the most recent interview methods and technologies. Organisations may create a solid and talented staff that contributes to their success by giving recruiting and selection first priority.

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